Nurture Small Business
Nurture Small Business shares small business growth ideas, survival strategies, and stories of how women entrepreneurs creatively nurture their businesses for success. Join us as we amplify our voices as one, uplifting and creating a thriving space for women-owned small businesses.
Topics included: Bipartisan Legislation that Impacts Women-Owned Small Businesses, Resources for Women Business Owners, Self-Care for Women Small Business Owners, Business Development, Boundaries Within a Family Business, Workplace Culture, Talent Management, Exit and Continuity Plans for Your Business, New Technology, Forecasting, and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.
Nurture Small Business
Mastering the Unspoken: A Guide to Authentic Business Communication
Mastering communication goes beyond just words, especially in the business world. If you’re an entrepreneur, finding the balance between effective communication and staying true to yourself is crucial. Today’s guest takes us through her experiences with both verbal and nonverbal communication, emphasizing how honing nonverbal skills can significantly enhance verbal communication.
Rachel Cossar, founder of Virtual Sapiens, shares her unique journey delving into nonverbal expression. Drawing from her background as a dancer, she unravels the layers of human communication beyond spoken language. Through her initiative, Virtual Sapiens, Rachel aims to help teams grasp the important connection between performance, communication, and expression. Discover how Virtual Sapiens elevates human coaching by leveraging AI to provide valuable feedback on presence and communication!
For more insights into Rachel’s journey and Virtual Sapiens, you can check out her LinkedIn page.
About Your Host
DCA Virtual Business Support President, Denise Cagan, has been working with small businesses for over 20 years. She has served on the boards of professional organizations such as Business Leaders of Charlotte (BLOC) and the National Association of Women Business Owners Charlotte (NAWBO). Denise is also a graduate of the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Program, which is a program for small businesses that links learning to action for growth-oriented entrepreneurs.
Recognized as a facilitator, problem solver, and builder, Denise enjoys speaking to business groups about social media for small businesses and motivating remote and work-from-home (WFH) teams. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Quality Systems Management from James Madison University. With extensive experience in outsourcing solutions that provide administrative, creative, marketing, and website support, she is able to help other small businesses grow and thrive.
Connect with Denise
DCA Virtual Business Support website.
View and listen to Podcasts with Denise Cagan.